Saturday, October 27, 2012

Pole Shift: November, 2012 To Spring 2013


Retired NASA employee leaks information on pole shift
A man who occasionally comes into my place of work quietly shared the following information with me on October 24, 2012.  He said his uncle, who retired from NASA last year, told him the following information.  – The Editor
  • The Earth’s magnetic field has dropped 40% in the past couple of years and NASA expects a pole shift between November 2012 and the spring of 2013.
  • NASA was moving to Dayton, Ohio.
  • Gas and oil facilities are primarily located on the coasts and would be destroyed during the pole shift.  He noted there was a refinery in the mountains of Colorado that would probably survive.  It was added that because of the dams in North Carolina, some power might sporadically become available.
  • The pole shift would take about three days and during that time there would devastating winds.
  • There is a gag order on NASA employees. They are not to share this and perhaps other information with anyone beyond their immediate family members.
 EDITOR’S NOTE: After hearing this report, we found photographic evidence that NASA already has moved major operations to Ohio.  The above photos were taken at NASA’s Space Power Facility in Sandusky, Ohio which is on the south shore of Lake Erie.  It is part of NASA’s Plum Brook Station which houses the world’s largest space environment simulation chamber and was constructed to test both nuclear and non-nuclear hardware.  The Mars Lander, Solar Sails and the International Space Station hardware have been tested at this location.
Plum Brook Station includes a state-of-the-art Cryogenic Components Laboratory where materials are studied at extremely low temperatures.  This helps in the development of materials that can withstand the chill of deep space.  The photos below were taken at that laboratory.


Relational or coincidental?

Mayan prediction in the change in consciousness December 21st.
Change in magnetic poles
Increase in UFO sighted activity
A quetzalcoatl, coming together of polar opposites

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