Friday, March 29, 2013

Knowing: One

Have you ever seen God?  I mean really see him?  Or her.  
I feel God every day.  Not in the Judeo-Christian way but in a knowing.  In the azure sky, and sunlight dancing off the ocean.  The mother fox feeding her kits in the thicket. In my heart.
Studying at Cornell and later public health in a medical school taught me to quantify everything.  Replicate every experiment.  Stratified random sampling is the ticket.  But why?
Not everything can be measured by the scientific method.  When my mother came to me in a dream telling that cold January morning that she was dying didn’t come with a measurement tool. My mother was healthy. Even when my brother called that morning to tell me she passed I knew there was more to knowing God than what we could reproduce under a controlled experiment.  She did have a broken heart has her husband had passed a number of years before her.  Missing him overwhelmed her.
I knew I was pregnant before the laboratory tests confirmed it.  Tuning in to the body mind is like that.  Working in concert, listening, feeling.  It was helpful to have a scientific evaluation.  But most assuredly in the months to come, my knowing would have been confirmed with a huge belly and lots of activity.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A 9 Year Old Socrates

Young Socrates.!

...Chapter Seven


Not too long after July 20, 2010, my head began to have pulling sensations. Like something was moving inside.  The pulling was localized mostly on my left side.  They would occur for about fifteen seconds and dissipate. When I spoke to my physician, she had no clue what was happening.  I had hoped there was a medical rationale for it.  

I began to wonder if this was some sort of download. At first, I wouldn’t notice anything too different. I felt the pulling sensation, and then began to notice a bit of difficulty sequencing things. None of my friends saw any of this despite me telling them about it.  Maybe that is a good thing.

It is important to mention at this point that I have a most excellent memory for detail.  I can remember where things are on a page, a kind of photogenic memory.  My Dad also had this.  Mine is much less developed I think.

After the pulling sensations, I notice that my sense of acuity is more developed.  I get knowings that things are about to happen.  It could be that someone is pregnant, or having difficulty with their pregnancy, that someone is losing their job, that someone is unhappy in their marriage and about to divorce.  My ability to feel their pain has always been present but again, more so now.  And it doesn’t come from my brain like I think it did in the past.  It comes from my bodymind working together.  The knowings come from within.

They don’t present themselves in way one might expect. I experience them much like flowers experience the sun.  Small incremental changes.  They come out when I first awaken, sometimes during the day or when someone prompts me in conversation. Something will pop up that I know and I want to share it.  Sometimes I have to be careful with whom I share these knowings.  Not everyone wants or can handle them.  Then the knowings manifests into an earth plane reality.

Often I feel the presence of sky ships.  While I can’t always see them thirty-five feet over my head now, I see them in the distance. They move fast!  They leap frog, zip straight up like they are following a straight edge ruler.  They disappear and rearrange their patterns.  They are more in abundance than ever.  I have watched them for years. 
I feel they are more than frustrated with us.  With our destruction of the environment for profit, the self-serving Congress, that we are so complacent.  We weren’t always that way.  They wonder when we will love one another and our planet enough to stand up for a healthier lifestyle and stop the madness.  They think we are a bunch of followers.  I can not disagree with them.  It frustrates me as well.

They saw us come together on 9/11 for two weeks.  They saw us stand up for civil rights on the March on Washington in the 1960s.  They are embarrassed.

Last November, my ears began to ring.  Consulting an otolaryngologist, she had no explanation.
“A percentage of the population gets this.  It isn’t anything to worry about.  It may go away.”
Sometimes it does abate for a few seconds, only to return.  The last time it stopped was about six weeks.
Too many coincidences. Or not?

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Smoky Mountain Surprise: Chapter Six

I thought about the relationship I had gotten into the year before.  Maybe it was the years of a poor role model in my father who walked out when I was sixteen.  Never available, always hours late.  Even leaving me outside my school when everyone else had gone home and it was dark. At ten it is pretty frightening.
I did what I knew.  I married an emotionally unavailable man at twenty-two. The marriage completed after twenty-eight years.  Through lots of reading and study I learned that only when I was emotionally available to myself would I meet a healthy, worthy man. 
The first man I dated after my divorce became my roommate.  I had known him for years. We traveled the world in our six years together.  But there became more and more outbursts of anger on his part.  Anger had no place in any relationship I could be in. I had worked too hard to allow that. I wasn’t afraid to end it with him.   And there were others I dated after him.  All emotionally unavailable as I was to myself.  There was one I met while volunteering for Habitat for Humanity that was probably the most sad of all of them.  Just three weeks before my sighting, I ended that.  I finally saw my part in what I helped create. 
The world turned more and more ugly.  So many institutions were collapsing because of their greed and self-absorption. Post the Enron scandal, there were Wall Street bailouts, environmental disasters, collapsed economies, HAARP induced megastorms sparing few. I felt Mother Nature's pain.  Clearly, they were here to warn us. They come to check on us.  To tap in.  I was on high alert.
They say most of the learning in life takes place outside of college.  That was definitely true of the UFO experience. I continued to receive more knowings.  Like things were about to happen.  Like the electrical current going through my legs discharging to wherever my feet were placed.  Never having had this before, my intuition told me to record the precise moment I felt these sensations.  I began looking at the United States Geological Survey (USGS) map checking out the time, finding the place where it had occurred.  I wondered what I had missed in the past, if I had missed something intuitive.  I don't think so.
The week prior to the tsunami in Japan, my joints through my petite body ached.  Hurt.  I was more than miserable.  Two days before the tsunami, the pain abated.  But that morning, much like the morning my mother passed away, I knew something had happened.  Something directed me to look at my Doctors Without Borders map on the wall in the mint green study.  Standing motionless I went to the computer.  I pulled up the USGS map on the internet and there it was!
A tsunami had occurred precisely the moment I was bolted out of the quiet of my sleep.  I couldn't turn the television on fast enough.

         The electrical current, or piezo-electric effect continued. It is the same effect animals have when an earthquake is about to erupt.  They get agitated and move to higher ground, to safety.  This is also the case with the animals in the National Zoo in Washington D.C. when the 6.9 ‘earthquake’ was experienced in Virginia.
I began to feel many earthquakes. There were hundreds.  Even one on a road trip near the epicenter when I was visiting New Hampshire.  Again, I jotted the time down.  When I reached my home, I opened up the Mac and a quake had occurred in the area where I was.  This continues to this day as does my intuition on events that are happening.
Friends suggested I talk to a seasoned psychic about it.  I spoke with several of them.  Each one told me I was intensely psychic as though I needed confirmation.  They told me I had powerful healing energy.  That I need to work in this field.  My Reiki Master, some eight years before my UFO encounter told me when I received my certification.  That I didn't need to go beyond the first attunement.
“There is nothing we could offer you that you don't already have.  Very powerful energy.  Are you aware of this?" she said.
Even the other students in the class felt my energy when we traded treatments. I was humbled.  Responsible.
Now it is like a veil has been lifted.  I see things before they happen.  I saw my Mother's death and heard her say goodbye to me even before the UFO encounter. Recently, I saw my uncle's death, that is was peaceful, that his long time female companion would be at his bedside. 

Smoky Mountain Surprise: Chapter Five


I wondered why it was so dark when I awakened.  The L.L.Bean Moonbeam clock revealed two seconds to one o'clock in the morning.  But I was totally refreshed. Two hours of sleep?  Wait.  Something was different.  I was different.  My awakening body felt different. I wondered if I had been abducted. I felt lighter.   There were no marks anywhere on my body for my eyes scoured myself deftly. 
But what happened when I was sleeping?  With only two hours of sleep, had the energy of a teenager.
But there was more.  Thoughts and information didn’t come from my brain anymore.  They came from my body-mind, working in concert together.  Maybe it was what the Yogis strived for.  The Quetzalcoatl.  Everything was as thought it was for the first time. 
There were lots of knowings.  A puzzle piece here, a puzzle piece there.  Each morning revealed something new but none of it made sense.  Not at first. 
More than patient with all of this, I let things be as they are.  Not so easy when you have had a lifetime of Type A behavior.  Maybe this was the Type B aspect surfacing more?  The Type B always came out in my artwork, my creative side.  The side that paints watercolors, becomes inmeshed in music, lives to go to the symphony at age thirteen, wants…needs to create.  It wasn’t in my head anymore.  More sentient than I have known, there were so many unanswered questions. Almost like the space before the epiphany – it all comes together for you. 
             I thought about my aging Mother. Alone by choice in a Florida retirement community.  She was fading fast.  Living in a senior community isolating herself from family and friends did that. I wondered how other galaxies handled their older folks.  I sure didn’t like how ours did.
As the daughter of a Mother whose background was both in geology and physics, I wished she were near. That “they” could help her. 
But our socialized science wouldn’t prepare my Mother to handle this, though her understanding of possibilities would. Even though I tried to share the experience with her, her mind was gone. I hoped she knew.

The early morning awakenings continued for nine consecutive nights.  Again I was aroused at exactly two seconds before one o'clock.  I was full awake, fully refreshed. Alert.  The clock with its batteries hadn't lost time. But had I?
After ten consecutive nights, the puzzle pieces became clear.  I was told to spread the word that we need to be sustainable immediately. Both economically and environmentally.   The hourglass was nearly emptied.  Failure to become sustainable would bring catastrophe.
In a world where much is hidden, what do you do with all of this knowledge?  How would I get the collective heads out of the sand. 
“Just talk I was told.  Some will listen.”
Where does this solitary experience go?
Over that summer, I spoke to a few groups, and the local media picked up the story. People wanted to know, understand. The ones who were prepared to see things as they are.  It felt good to be among other intuitives.  I longed to know another experiencer. I was more than grateful to be the conduit. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Smoky Mountain Surprise: Chapter Four


         I was more than tired.  Weeding the cliffside garden meant I wore my son's high school navy plaid flannel shirt. Sure there were a few paint marks around the cuff.  That happens with a twenty year old shirt.  Besides it was the only shirt big enough to go over my work clothes.  I didn't want to wear dark pants, but yoga pants were the only things old enough to do garden work.  Sitting on the soil with my knee pad.  Rubber bands nearly closed off my circulation at the cuffs and ankles.

      No-seeums seemed to enjoy my oliver skin.  Like the time four summers ago when they zoomed in for the attack.  Across my untanned midriff.  Like dots in Morse code.  Only larger. It took three months of non-stop pain and itching for the welts to heal.  That I didn't scratch once was a miracle. That I was still raw for the wedding says a lot about their determination.

      A basket weaved sombrero provided much needed shelter for my face in the intense southern sun. Mosquito netting around my face would have helped.  None was to be found. It wasn't just the no-seeums.  Gnats and mosquitos also made a beeline toward raw flesh.  Bzzzz. Ouch! Six dots that grew in the week to come.

           The air was thick with moisture.  Buggy.  Oppressive. With the nut grass removed and composted over the hill, it was time to get ready to meet my new friend. 

I’d met  Carol at a local UFO Conference.  A slender, blond woman with a nicely coiffed bob from South Africa looking older than her fifty years.  Living in a country where apartheid was the main stay wasn’t easy for this free spirit. Her pasty white skin and angular facial features made her stunning with her model’s figure.  

Carol lived  some forty-five minutes over the mountains to the northeast.  I'd met her at a local UFO Conference.  She spoke about numerous encounters that night in town.  The conference center was packing.  Many stood even outside the doors.  Meeting this eclectic woman was like dining with a butterfly.  I kept wondering where and when she would land.

Almost immediately, I was whisked to her garden.  Mystical, magical, Yoda-like.  She told me about the waterless stream on her property.

“I dug the creek myself.  Some neighbors came by to help.  Look at it.  There was no water here and now it is abundant. After seeing the spaceship and setting my intention, the water appeared one morning.  A splashing brook."

She ushered me into her more than comfy home and left to prepare our meal. Carol said she preferred to make dinner.  I hadn't eaten all day.  Since I hadn't tasted South African food before, I was excited to eat.    After a few minutes, Carol appeared from behind the tiny bar in her tiny closet sized kitchen.  A plate with four hind quartered chicken was served.  They had been roasting for some time.  I learned that evening she didn't use spiced.  That was the meal save for dry red wine.  An hour later, her friend met us on the balcony. Her friend stayed while she spoke.  Carol softly retreated to the chaise.

      As the evening faded, I left to go home to eat.  Foreshadowing was everywhere. The air was still and silent. Once I left the gravel road and densely covered woods, bright lights appeared in the sky.  They seemed to leapfrog.  I was glad to know the winding road.  The lights followed me until the road became more circuitous and my eyes were firmly planted on the road.  The Highlander followed the road down toward the basin.

It was only when I made the u-turn from the Webster Road, that the sky seemed to darken.  I couldn't find the lights in the sky as the canopy opened. Coming off the mountain felt like being in the zone. Something beckoned me to look up. There it was hovering over the road as I crested the innocuous hill. At first I thought it was crashing.  On a closer look I could see it was tilted to the right, stopped in midair.  Motionless.  Quiet.  This metallic-looking structure was about fifteen to twenty feet tall, about sixty feet wide.  It looked very 1950. As I turned my head to the right, I could see two white sedans in the distance.  One was further back than the other.  The one in the fast lane behind me was closer, some one quarter to a half mile away.  The other vehicle at least half a mile away.  There speed was constant for a while.

My body tingled gently.  I was more aware than I ever imagined.  The five narrow dimly lit salmon-rose windows on the spaceship revealed no beings.  As my eyes scanned the ship some thirty-five feet over the ground, I heard a jet in the distance somewhere to the right and behind the ship.  I never saw the jet.

Fully sentient, I felt the presence of something evil lurking.  Perhaps it was just over the ridge at Cowee Mountain.
The clock in my silver Highlander read 9:40 p.m.  The road was empty of traffic from the south on an otherwise busy highway for a July 20, 2010 summer evening.  Even my new Magnavox cell phone, purchased for its excellent reception in the southern Appalachians was working.  Nothing on the dashboard dimmed.
  There just below the twin peaks it hovered. It never moved.

Looking backward in the darkness of the night, I could see nothing.  But like I said, I knew I would see this that evening. 

There is something uncanny about being in the zone.  Everything is possible.  Like the athlete who is one with the football.  Just getting it over the goal post is a matter of the next step.  Everything is possible.  An easy focus.

I remembered the feeling of the evil presence of the jet sounds in the distance.  A pilot later told me the sound was the hydraulics coming from the jet just over the mountain range.  

My whole body felt I was not to have this experience without sharing the moment.  To be fully present. I wanted to call a friend, to have other ears hear the sounds in the distance for their were very loud.  But I was told that it was not necessary to use the cell phone sitting on the seat next to me.  This was to be a singular experience.  I alone was meant to see this.  A conduit.

I kept looking behind me at the two seemingly identical cars in the distance.  One in the fast lane behind me some half a mile and the other similar white vehicle in the slower lane further away than a quarter of a mile. 

Even driving under the UFO the sky was totally black.  As I drove out from behind it, I couldn't see anything as I turned my head again looking back.  A void. But as I left this highway, crossing the bridge under Savannah Creek, it felt okay to make a phone call.  I telephoned a photojournalist friend.  He would more than understand.  I recounted my experience as I was glad to be home.  Safe inside.  At least on an earth plane level.  I continued to talk to my friend for a while that evening.

Being home felt like an illusion. I knew any being with this level of technology accesses what they want.  They probably read, thoughts.  I wasn't kidding myself.  I had been exposed.  And more than tired.  My organic, ivory sheets awaited me.  Bed was more than welcomed.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Don't Miss This!!!!!!!

Friday the 13th and Saturday the 14th - Kansas City, Missouri
There are some things science can't explain... just yet.

Paranormal - Cryptozoology - UFOs

Hear from some of the best investigative researchers and authors about their search for answers to the world's unexplained mysteries in two jam-packed days!


Richard Dolan, Paola Harris, Michah Hanks, Margie Kay, Nick Redfern, Stanton Friedman, Grant Cameron, Ted Phillips, Chase Kloetske, Joe Palermo, Jason Offut, Chad Morin

and celebrity guest Joe Chin!
Keynote speakers Richard Dolan and Stanton Friedman 
Main auditorium at Unity Temple Saturday evening: Keynote speakers Richard Dolan and Stanton Friedman, who are the best-known researchers in Ufology, will present their exciting research.
Appearing for the first time ever in Kansas City will be Richard Dolan with a brand new presentation
and New Book, UFO's for the 21st Century Mind!

 Special celebrity guest Joe Chin!
Take part in the Ghost Walk with TV's Ghost Hunter International Investigator Joe Chin with Investigator/Show Host Chase Kloetzke and Chad Morrin from Ghost Hunt Weekends featuring the Ultimate Paranormal Fan Experience! The Ghost Walk Investigation at the Unity Chapel on Friday the 13th... rumored to be haunted by the spirits of founders Charles and Myrtle Filmore.

MC's - KGRA head of programming and everyone's favorite radio producer, Race 'The Planet' Hobbs
KGRA partner, host of High Strangeness and Saturday Night Sounds, Lorin Cutts

Awards Banquet and Dinner with the Speakers on Saturday Night
KGRA members have the first opportunity to sit with a celebrity speaker at the annual awards banquet on Saturday night.
 KGRA will be opening member voting for the awards soon.  After August 13, the banquet is open to everyone. 

Your Favorite Vendors
Vendors and sponsors will be on the lower level in the Temple Space room throughout the conference.
Speaker tables are on the upper level gallery hall next to the auditorium.  Be sure to get autographed copies of books while you are at the conference. List of vendors coming soon. 

September 13-14, 2013

 City, Missouri

Unity Temple on the Plaza
707 West 47th St.
Kansas City, MO 64112

Official Conference Hotel: 
 Sheraton Suites
Country Club Plaza
770 West 47th Street
Kansas City, MO 64112

(Across the street from Unity Temple)

ParaCon is hosted by Global Radio Alliance, LLC
dba KGRA Digital Broadcasting
ParaCon Sponsors

Ghost Hunt Weekends

Smoky Mountain Surprise: Chapter Three


            My marriage completed the end of the last millennium.  Even though I knew I wouldn’t, couldn’t… grow coupled with him, I didn’t know life without him.  Thirty years together is a long time, especially when you meet at nineteen.  More than anything, I hoped for a loving parting.  But it wasn’t what happened. 
            “Puppy dogs, that’s what we were.”
            Over time I longed for that deep, spiritual connection.  Someone who had lots of time for their relationship.  Someone who wanted a heart like mine.  But he was self-involved and not interested in people.  I knew, despite years of tears…it was time to go.
            A friend once wrote,
            “Watching her from a distance this was a high functioning woman.  She got things done.  She took care of her family.  But you had to wonder how her heart that had been breaking for years was coping now. She didn’t even know.  Not back then.”
            But write is what I knew.  One book. Then two.  I didn’t know it then; I was writing myself home. 
I had just arrived in the southern Appalachians of western North Carolina when I realized there was a reason for relocating there.  The flora and fauna were more than I ever imagined.  But it was the southern Appalachian culture along with its simplicity of word that opens the senses revealing a biosphere beyond anything imaginable. But more than that, a connection to one’s own senses. One’s self.
At once, I was puzzled local writers only wrote about the culture in the era.  I was more than glad to have a university close by.  I hoped it would help to balance local groupthink.
            Frustrated, angry I had to do something with this energy.  Writing a letter to the editor in a local newspapers helped me breathe.

“English Anthropologist Edward B. Tylor in his book, Primitive Culture, published in 1871 wrote,” Culture is a powerful human tool for survival, but it is a fragile phenomenon. It is constantly changing and easily lost because it exists only in our minds.”

Appalachian culture is ongoing. It is not a period frozen in time.  Heritage is ever changing like the people who comprise it.  And there are many interpretations of Appalachia. Aren’t we, after all, the experts in our own Appalachian experience? Who is to say who is acculturated or not?

No where have I ever lived where just about everyone asks, “Are you from here?” as if a Jackson County birth is a guarantee of entitlement or a means to divide people or maybe a starting point for a wonderful long term friendship. It doesn’t matter how or when we arrived, it does matter that we include one another.”  

              I was like the culture in which I lived.  Ever changing and definitely not fixed in 

time.   It is hard to know at precisely what time I found my voice.  In a different way.

            “That’s not who we are!  We’ve changed, evolved.  Just because we weren’t born here doesn’t mean this isn’t home.  You don’t own this land, no one does.  We’re really just passing through,” I said to a progressive southern writer.
            It was the little and not so little things that called this place home.  Creating a safe place, a preserve, hidden from all, where animals would know they were safe.  Before long, there were kits birthing on the land.  The red wolf in the garden.  But it was burning inside me, perhaps for all the years I kept so much inside, I was about to explode. 
            “Wanting, yearning for a spiritual connection.  Ultimately, it was in the letting go that you fell upward,” said a photojournalist friend.

LIVE! UFO Encounter. Tonight!

TONIGHT! My UFO encounter - live at 8 p.m. EST.
I will be a guest on Global Radio Alliance at 8 p.m. to talk about my UFO encounter 35 feet off the ground on 441 south in Sylva, NC. Please, take a listen Thursday, March 21, 2013 at 8 p.m.
Global Radio Alliance

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Because You Asked - My UFO Encounter 35 Feet From The Ground

So many have requested to hear the broadcast on my UFO experience.  It takes about an hour, give or take a commercial break.  I would sincerely appreciate your comments and experiences. Have a listen:

Monday, March 18, 2013

Smoky Mountain Surprise: Chapter Two

            I grew up on Belmont Avenue in Baltimore near the Woodlawn section of town. My name, Janel, was a combination of my mother’s mother’s name, my Nana who was called Jennie and my father’s mother’s name, Nellie.  I preferred to spell it Jan el.  Janel.
            Our neighborhood  was typical of most tract communities lined with hundreds of white carbon copy Cape Cods, built in the ‘50s with scalloped shingles. Few people had more than one car per household. They were content to be a simple community and had the blessings and curses that come with it. A motley assortment of people, the blue collar and emerging white professionals, aspired to get out of the crab basket and seize the American dream.  One hundred sixty houses, lined up like desks in a schoolroom, only four streets, one street in front of another.  They were identical in size, not a Levitt tract home community, but on a smaller scale.
“We’re like a giant easel,” the neighbors would say. Stock houses, the homeowners added their special touch just enough to differentiate them from their neighbor.
Within these homogeneous Cape Cods lived a dutiful generation of people.
Nearly everyone belonged to the PTA or risked being shunned from the PTA President. Others volunteered in Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Brownies or Girl Scouts and for the fire department.  And there were many other organizations as well.  It was a generation of volunteers.  Commitment meant something.  They were working to improve their world.
Neighbors helped one another complete their basement recreation rooms or pour concrete from the community concrete mixer that everyone pitched in to buy.  When I was young, I thought my family was special because we were chosen to store it.
The children in the neighborhood were raised by the community.  People knew what was going on in one another’s lives.  You didn’t dare get into trouble, lest everyone knew what you had done.  It was an instant guarantee your parents would know, too.
Behind my home was a very large and wooded area.   An escape.  I remember the short story about the Secret Life of Walter Mitty. It was James Thurber’s story about Walter Mitty, a timid person who had a two day daydreaming escapade. Walter Mitty fantasized about one exciting adventure after another.  It was in those woods that I became whatever the Walter Mitty in me would allow.  There were turtles, some snappers, crayfish in the creek, skunk, muskrat, and every kind of foliage you could imagine.  A large rock pile some several miles in diameter created a limitless playground for me and her friends. 
I’d would work all day sometimes to clear the foliage to create the special little ground fort only to come back the next day to do it again. 
“You start out early in the morning when the ground is soft to pull out the greenery.  With a slight squat, you bend toward the root of the shrubs and give it a firm yank.  If you are lucky, you won’t fall backward,” I remember telling a friend.
“There is so much work to be done.  If we do it together, we can finish early. Then we can sit back and enjoy it and we can eat our snacks.” 
They looked a long time to find the perfect spot.  Nirvana means you find a spot near the water where it is cool even if you are only a child.  A large, brown boulder with marble-like mica running through it became their throne.  Upon it we imagined they were bigger, that they were in charge. 
In the winter, the creek formed a glistening ice skating rink.  My friends and I would skate for hours under road bridges along the abutting psychiatric hospital.  No one ever worried about us.  Whether we walked along the railroad tracks, or swam in the nearby rivers, it felt safe.
We watched with admiration the shanty across the creek the teenage boys were building.  They even had a wood stove.  We longed for a peek in the shanty, but were too timid to snatch a glimpse.  It was only when the police finally tore down the fire hazard that they saw the Playboy magazines, Camel and Marlboro cigarettes and the tiny refrigerator.  A few years later, we would learn that two of the boys, both brothers, went to prison because they broke into a convenience store.
The woods were also next to the Meton Psychiatric Hospital.  Once in a while someone would escape.  The remains of a troubled man were found near my fort around my fourteenth birthday. He had shot himself in the head.  The Police and Medical Examiner brought his body through our her back yard on a stretcher.  I never returned to the woods after that.
It was in that community where everyone knew each other by name and although my street had some thirty houses, even as a child, I felt that I belonged.  I called mother’s friends Miss Tillie, Miss Mary, Miss Beanie and Miss Madeline, in keeping with Nana’s southern Maryland roots.
Nana, a petite and warm woman, came to the United States in the early ‘20s from London, England.  Over time she lost most of her accent except when she would speak of tomatoes.  She pronounced them “toe matt toes.”  It always made me laugh.
Nana had eloped in her early twenties to marry her handsome boyfriend from Maryland. He then enlisted in the Canadian military long before the United States got into the first World War.  That is where he lost his left arm. Nana later learned his family owned the land on which Cape Canaveral is built.
But in my tightly knit community, the neighborhood had a block party once a month rotating throughout the community.  My brother, Charles, and I relished the times when our parents hosted the event.  Even though they we were just eight and ten, I remember well the anticipation we had early each morning after our parents hosted the parties just waiting to check out the leftovers. 
“Charles, wake up.  There are some goodies left. C’mon down,” I would whisper in his ear.
Down we went into to the hickoy panelled recreation room.  Still in the heavy double cement sink, they would find Nehi, Grape Soda and Root Beer, and a few bottles of  Fresca.  The ice block purchased the day before had melted.
Dad’s family were originally from Wales although he was born in New Jersey.  Most of his family immigrated to the south.  They lived in Virginia and North Carolina.
It was Dad who was the social organizer for the community.  He started the first baseball league in Woodlawn, an honor for which he was long remembered. 
But Mom fostered traditions.  Like the Friday afternoon we went clothes shopping, picked up a few items at the local Acme grocery store in Woodlawn. The final destination was always a stop at the Rexall Pharmacy.  It had a long, 1950s soda fountain. Mom always took black coffee.  I always ordered Coca Cola, a small one and ate her standard pretzel stick with dipped on the end with a little dollop of mustard.  Sitting at the green counter, Mom continued with one of her Agatha Christie books while I revelled in her my wardrobe folded neatly in the Stewart’s bag on the black and white checkerboard tiled floor.
Mom was an original.  A more than determined spirit with a Margaret Mead orientation to life and a Phyliss Diller sense of humor. She could do anything  - tune a car, wire a room, sew a dress.  She was a middle school science and math teacher/supervisor with a masters degree in physics and was the daughter of a Londoner.  She was also one of Baltimore’s first sex educators.
Mom was a phenomenon in the 1960s, the first wave of feminists who were suddenly single. Although she wanted to be a physician, there was no money for that.  So she went to college while raising Charles and I.
Sewing was another tradition among the women in our family.  Often Mom, Nana and I sewed together.  Once we even made yellow and gray checkered blouses with matching skirts.  I loved when we wore them together. Nana, who taught Mom the art of needlecraft and how to sew.  Mom taught me sewing.  I learned needlecraft in my twenties.
At ten I was sewing simple crop tops.  Working on the unfinished side of the basement with its painted yellow cinder block walls, shelves lined with old newspaper upon which fossils were stored, the room warmth was everywhere.     

Stephenville, Texas, UFO

Stephenville, Texas, 2008

Much has already been written about this.   This video is worth listening to. 

Just so you know there are three military bases in this area.What do you think?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Smoky Mountain Surprise: Chapter One


As the evening faded, the air was still and silent. Leaving the gravel road and densely covered woods, bright lights appeared in the sky.  They seemed to leapfrog from east to west, then south to north. The lights followed until the road became more circuitous as the Highlander followed the familiar road down toward the basin. 

Suddenly the sky darkened.  The ever-present sky lights as the canopy opened were conspicuously gone. Like an athlete being in the zone, fully involved, fully present, possibilities were everywhere. It was 9:40 p.m. on a comfortable July night in western North Carolina, just a half hour from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.  Leaving Webster Road making the requisite u-turn on 441 south toward Franklin it hovered over the road.  

Janel could smell the fresh air and the honeysuckle alongside the road.  A bird out of a cage.  Everything seemed as though it was happening for the first time.  Like finding a Lady’s Slipper in the center of a path on an old logging trail.  She longed for simplicity. Honesty.  
After a twelve hour ride, she reached the Tennessee/North Carolina border.  The following morning, she meandered along Interstate 81 in small towns where crafts were abundant, some of the best work she had seen.  She picked up a few gifts for her grown children – pumpkin butter in a mason jar and a corncob pipe for a wall ornament.
The Great Smoky Mountains were everything her father had said they would be.  She remembered the stories he told of the beautiful blue mist in the distance.
The ride to her new home two thirds up the mountain, but not all the way to Ginny’s Knob, were lush and dense forests, abundant rhododendron, mountain laurel, flaming azalea and myrtle. Alongside the road flowered Solomon’s seal, red elderberry and black eyed Susans. She devoured the pages in her wildflower field guide stopping often to identify them.
Home to black bear, white-tailed deer, wild boar and turkey, the land was a few yards from the beaten path and entered a world that remained essentially untouched. There were no human voices, just the sounds of nature. Davy Crockett country.
She had just turned fifty, though she didn’t look a day over forty.  Slender, petite. A yoga body.  Her reddish brown straight haired, pixie gently coiffed her tiny features. Even her green eyes were small.  More casual than one would expect given her Ivy education.
Pretense and arrogance held no time with this one. She genuinely liked people. All kinds of them. Her parents had a lot to do with that.