Sunday, July 20, 2014

Four Years

Four years ago on July 20, 2010 a UFO was hovering 35 feet over the highway. 

My last post contains a photoshop of it.  The background is exact, the ship is a graphic.  It is similar in shape, the windows are much more narrow. The light emanating from the windows is much more diffused and not so bright.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

UFO Encounter Revisited

This Sunday, July 20 marked my fourth UFO encounter anniversary.

So many have asked what the ship looked like.  This is pretty close to it.  The lights are not so bright.  They are a salmon-rose color with diffused light unlike anything we have here. But this is the closest we could get to the color and it is still way off.

The car was actually in the left lane, not in the turn lane as pictured in the photo above.  The background is real; the skyship and the car were professionally photoshopped.