I've always believed in UFOs. As a child I had and still have vivid memories of floating over the earth. It was no surprise that I understood geography early on. I understood a lot at the age of three. I knew things most pre-school children would not know. I could hear people's thoughts, feel their pain. It isn't just that I am a Scorpio and have deep understandings, it is how I am wired.
My most recent recollection of abductions began in my thirties and forties. I would go to sleep at night and experience unbearable pain. I couldn't move, couldn't speak. I could hear myself whimpering, "help me, help me."
The worst part of this was that I was alive inside and couldn't be heard. This has continued for years sporadically. What is interesting is that the pain abates immediately upon awakening.
When I took Reiki I certification, my classmates and I took turns Reiki-ing one another. Every since person in class made a comment about my energy. When the Reiki Master gave me an attunement, I was blown away. She told me that I didn't need to go for more classes including Reiki Master. She did tell me I had all the energy I would need for healing. I've Reiki children, adults, mules, horses, and all kinds of other mammals.
After my UFO encounter in Sylva, North Carolina July 20, 2010, I began more and more sentient. I started having piezo-electric effects which have continued. I am earthquake sensitive.
On October 16, 2012 I was living in seacoast New Hampshire when a 4.0 earthquake occurred. I saw the walls of my apartment waffled. Two weeks later, I had an episode of tinnitus which continued now.
On occasion I experience paralysis when I am sleeping along with extraordinary pain. Since I moved back into my western North Carolina home, this has not occurred.
I will undergo hypnosis soon. And, I will video-tape the session. I will fill you in with the findings.
Enjoy the super moon! Let go.
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