Saturday, August 30, 2014

They Are Here

Night comes too soon in the southern Appalachians.  It didn't use to be that way.  But when the sandman comes, you know it is time to fall asleep.

There is a looming presence in my room at night.  Now.  They are not ready for me to see them. But I do. I see them outside.  Their handiwork.  Stones fill the backyard as though someone is throwing them.  The mountain moves closer to my home.  I am aware.  Present.

I hear sounds that don't fit.  Shadows.  A knowing.  It won't be long now.  More and more of us know they are here. My head knows, too. It has been tiring.  Just absorbing all of this is wearing.  It is also a gift for which I am grateful. 

We long for answers.  In the people we are becoming, the answers don't come from the outside.  They come from within.  We are tuned.  We know.  Everyone is talking about it.

They come on the darkest of nights.  Mine did that July 20th, four years ago.  I was supposed to see it.  To witness it.  To spread the word.  I am doing just that.  Eyes are wide open.  Ears.  But we know.  We always did.

It is time to see the collective self.  We don't have to look beyond ourselves.  Our group is already present.  We merely need to acknowledge it.  There is nothing we have to create.  It is already here.


Sunday, August 10, 2014

My UFO Encounter

I've always believed in UFOs. As a child I had and still have vivid memories of floating over the earth.  It was no surprise that I understood geography early on.  I understood a lot at the age of three.  I knew things most pre-school children would not know.  I could hear people's thoughts, feel their pain.  It isn't just that I am a Scorpio and have deep understandings, it is how I am wired.

My most recent recollection of abductions began in my thirties and forties.  I would go to sleep at night and experience unbearable pain.  I couldn't move, couldn't speak.  I could hear myself whimpering, "help me, help me."

The worst part of this was that I was alive inside and couldn't be heard.  This has continued for years sporadically.  What is interesting is that the pain abates immediately upon awakening.

When I took Reiki I certification, my classmates and I took turns Reiki-ing one another.  Every since person in class made a comment about my energy.  When the Reiki Master gave me an attunement, I was blown away.  She told me that I didn't need to go for more classes including Reiki Master.  She did tell me I had all the energy I would need for healing. I've Reiki children, adults, mules, horses, and all kinds of other mammals. 

After my UFO encounter in Sylva, North Carolina July 20, 2010, I began more and more sentient.  I started having piezo-electric effects which have continued.  I am earthquake sensitive. 

On October 16, 2012 I was living in seacoast New Hampshire when a 4.0 earthquake occurred.  I saw the walls of my apartment waffled.  Two weeks later, I had an episode of tinnitus which continued now.

On occasion I experience paralysis when I am sleeping along with extraordinary pain.  Since I moved back into my western North Carolina home, this has not occurred.

I will undergo hypnosis soon.  And, I will video-tape the session.  I will fill you in with the findings.

Enjoy the super moon!  Let go.