What is Going on With North Korea is Not What it Seems – by Benjamin Fulford
The recent so-called threats of war by North Korea being widely reported in the Western press are in fact cabal efforts to intimidate that country as it seeks independence from secret US rule. The North Korean moves are a part of an overall East Asian move away from cabal rule.
However, recent corporate media coverage of North Korea makes it obvious that very few members of the Western media have a clue about what is really going on there. That is why I have decided to write a basic primer for the benefit of interested readers and policy makers.
The first thing people need to understand when looking at North Korea is to realize the country was set up by remnants of the Japanese army that was stationed in China during and before World War 2.
The regime in North Korea thus closely resembles the war time government of Japan with the main difference being the God King is named Kim and not Hirohito. Remember, what is North Korea now was part of Japan or under Japanese influence from the late 19th century until the middle of the 20th century.
Roosevelt in very frail condition at Yalta
The next thing people need to understand is that part way through the post-war US occupation of Japan, a fundamental change in US policy took place.
Following the murder of President Roosevelt by Nazi sympathizers towards the end of World War 2, a large part of the US intelligence community was gradually taken over by Nazis.
In Japan this meant that during the first part of the US occupation strenuous efforts were made to turn Japan into a pacifist, socialist country.
This group has, to this day, exerted serious but hidden control over the Japanese political world in the post-war era. That is why it is no coincidence that the headquarters of the unofficial North Korean Embassy in Japan, the Chosen Soren (North Korean Citizens Association) is located next to the Yasukuni shrine honouring Japan’s war dead.
For much of the post-war era, the North Korean group in Japan was headed by Yasuhiro Nakasone and was closely allied to US power brokers like George Bush Sr. and David Rockefeller. For example, until recently the 20,000 strong Inagawa-kai yakuza gang prominently displayed a picture of George Bush Senior at its headquarters.However, this cozy relationship started to change during the Bush Jr. regime when Asian secret societies found out that SARS was a race-specific Nazi bioweapon spread by the Bush regime with the aim of wiping out much of Asia’s population.
In Japan the result was large, but unreported midnight gang fights pitting supporters of the Nazis or Sabbatean Satanists against Asian secret societies and their Western allies.
As a part of this ongoing struggle, a regime change took place in North Korea after Kim Jong Il was assassinated with a stroke inducing poison administered by a Swedish prostitute.
Yokota Megumi
The new ruler, Kim Jong-un, is the son of Yokota Megumi, a girl of Japanese royal family lineage who was kidnapped from a beach in Niigata when she was 13.
The Kim regime is thus very pro-Japanese. The regime change in North Korea led to a severe split between the North Korean government and North Korean organizations in Japan.
Source: Veterans Today
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