Thursday, April 11, 2013

Knowing: Seven

But that night, there was no mist.  The black sky was an enigma. I struggled to understand why.
My body tingled gently as I drove my car closer to it. My senses were heightened. 
The five narrow dimly lit salmon-rose windows centered across the front on the spaceship revealed no beings.  As my eyes scanned the ship some thirty-five feet over the ground, I heard a jet in the distance somewhere to the right and behind the ship, probably behind one of the peaks there.  I never saw the jet. It was conspicuously loud.  I felt like I was on a military runway.  The sound plays over and over in my ears.  Even now.
I felt the presence of something lurking.  Perhaps it was just over the ridge at Cowee Mountain behind those peaks. I’ll never forget that feeling.Pure evil.
The clock in my silver Highlander read 9:40 p.m. I kept looking at the road, amazed that there was no traffic on this otherwise busy highway for a July 20, 2010 summer evening.  Even my new Magnavox cell phone, purchased for its excellent reception in the southern Appalachians was working.  Nothing on the dashboard dimmed.

Below the twin peaks it hovered. I never saw it move as I drove under it.
There were vertical lines on the ship.  I can not remember how many.  I do remember looking for rivets.  There were none.
Looking backward at the spaceship as I drove under it, I could see nothing.  Not even the exterior of the back of the ship.
I thought about my mindset just before I saw the ship.  Somehow I knew I would see one.  I was probably more surprised that my premonition became a reality than I was at seeing the spaceship.  It felt like one of those times you feel in the zone.
There is something uncanny about being in the zone.  Everything is possible.  Like the athlete who is one with the football.  Just getting it over the goal post is a matter of the next step.  Everything is possible. 
Later I spoke to a pilot about the sounds I heard. I remembered the continued feeling of the evil presence of the jet sounds in the distance.  The pilot later told me the sound was the hydraulics coming from the jet just over the mountain range. It is a sound that will always be with me.  Deafening.
My knowing included my whole body experience.  The bodymind fully enmeshed. I savored this moment. None of this experience was housed in my brain.  That was one of the most interesting things about this experience. 
How I wanted to call a friend, to have other ears hear the sounds in the distance for the sounds were ear piercing. But included in my knowing was that it was not necessary to use the cell phone sitting on the seat next to me.  This was to be a singular experience.  I alone was meant to see this.  A conduit.
I  kept looking behind me at the two seemingly identical cars in the distance.  One in the fast lane behind me some half a mile and the other similar white vehicle in the slower lane further away than a quarter of a mile.
Even driving under the UFO the sky was totally black.  As I drove out from behind it, I couldn't see anything as I turned my head again looking back.  A void. But as I left this highway, crossing the bridge under Savannah Creek, it felt okay to make a phone call.  I telephoned a photojournalist friend.  He would more than understand.  I recounted my experience as I was glad to be home.  Safe inside.  At least on an earth plane level.  I continued to talk to my friend for a while that evening.
Being home felt like an illusion. I knew any being with this level of technology accesses what they want.  They probably read, thoughts.  I wasn't kidding myself.  I had been exposed.  And more than tired, probably more from sensory overload.  My organic, ivory sheets awaited me.  Bed was more than welcomed.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Going, going, gone

This blog will be closing. 

If you wish to continue reading me and my ufo, literary and life encounters, please send me your e-mail and I will give you the new link. The blog will be closing on April 15, 2013.

The journey continues.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

North Korea Is Hardly What It Appears

What is Going on With North Korea is Not What it Seems – by Benjamin Fulford

(April 3rd, 2013) – The biggest eye opener for me in decades of reporting about North Korea came seven years ago when a top Chinese government agent in Japan told me China considered North Korea to be a US colony.

The recent so-called threats of war by North Korea being widely reported in the Western press are in fact cabal efforts to intimidate that country as it seeks independence from secret US rule. The North Korean moves are a part of an overall East Asian move away from cabal rule.

However, recent corporate media coverage of North Korea makes it obvious that very few members of the Western media have a clue about what is really going on there. That is why I have decided to write a basic primer for the benefit of interested readers and policy makers.

The first thing people need to understand when looking at North Korea is to realize the country was set up by remnants of the Japanese army that was stationed in China during and before World War 2.

The regime in North Korea thus closely resembles the war time government of Japan with the main difference being the God King is named Kim and not Hirohito. Remember, what is North Korea now was part of Japan or under Japanese influence from the late 19th century until the middle of the 20th century.

Roosevelt in very frail condition at Yalta

The next thing people need to understand is that part way through the post-war US occupation of Japan, a fundamental change in US policy took place.

Following the murder of President Roosevelt by Nazi sympathizers towards the end of World War 2, a large part of the US intelligence community was gradually taken over by Nazis.

In Japan this meant that during the first part of the US occupation strenuous efforts were made to turn Japan into a pacifist, socialist country.

This group has, to this day, exerted serious but hidden control over the Japanese political world in the post-war era. That is why it is no coincidence that the headquarters of the unofficial North Korean Embassy in Japan, the Chosen Soren (North Korean Citizens Association) is located next to the Yasukuni shrine honouring Japan’s war dead.
For much of the post-war era, the North Korean group in Japan was headed by Yasuhiro Nakasone and was closely allied to US power brokers like George Bush Sr. and David Rockefeller. For example, until recently the 20,000 strong Inagawa-kai yakuza gang prominently displayed a picture of George Bush Senior at its headquarters.
However, this cozy relationship started to change during the Bush Jr. regime when Asian secret societies found out that SARS was a race-specific Nazi bioweapon spread by the Bush regime with the aim of wiping out much of Asia’s population.

In Japan the result was large, but unreported midnight gang fights pitting supporters of the Nazis or Sabbatean Satanists against Asian secret societies and their Western allies.
As a part of this ongoing struggle, a regime change took place in North Korea after Kim Jong Il was assassinated with a stroke inducing poison administered by a Swedish prostitute.

Yokota Megumi

The new ruler, Kim Jong-un, is the son of Yokota Megumi, a girl of Japanese royal family lineage who was kidnapped from a beach in Niigata when she was 13.

The Kim regime is thus very pro-Japanese. The regime change in North Korea led to a severe split between the North Korean government and North Korean organizations in Japan.

 Source: Veterans Today

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

U.S. Government Prepares for Collapse

Martial Law! Former State Trooper Talks

Former State Trooper Reveals Imminent Plans for Martial Law:

Knowing: Six

 It was approximately fifteen foot tall and sixty foot wide tilted toward the right.  Five very slender and centered windows were dimly light, salmon-amber in color.  I looked hard to see if there were any people or beings inside.  I didn’t see any.

I checked the dashboard on my car.  Everything appeared to be functioning well. The Magnavox cell phone, recently purchased because of its excellent reception in a mountainous terrain was working well.  I longed to call someone.  A feeling told me not to.

Upon opening the windows, there was what appeared to be the sound of a jet plane in the distance.  As though it was chasing something. 

As I continued to travel closer to it, I felt uneasy but like I was supposed to be here, to have this experience.  A solitary experience. A range of feeling overwhelmed me. While I hoped I would not be abducted I was ecstatic to see one.  The tingling began to subside as I drove under it.

I drove under the UFO and kept looking back.  Total blackness.  The blackest sky I had ever seen. I couldn’t see a back to the UFO or any shape.  But where were the cars, where were the people on the busy highway?  

Leaving the highway for the small country road and bridge that would take me home, I slowed and waited for the two white sedans to pass by.  They never did.

My third thought after seeing this was the metallic looking 1950 structure.  It appeared corrugated but there were no rivets. There was also no sound from the spaceship whatsoever neither driving in front of it or underneath it.  I heard no sound as I drove away from it, either.

Knowing: Five


It was long and narrow and unlike anything I had ever seen.  At first I thought it was a falling billboard.  Since I had taken flying lessons and know the area from the sky, the second thought that came to mind was an airplane was crashing.  But there were no wings.

On a closer look, I saw that it was hovering thirty-five feet over the highway. It was in a concave area in front of two peaks. My body began to tingle all over.   

I’d never seen a sky so dark. It was like being in a coal mine with only headlights.  My thinking stopped and my bodymind became especially sentient.  Time seemed to stop even though my clocks were still working. 

But why me?

Monday, April 1, 2013

Knowing: Four

“Hey, are we still meeting for dinner tonight?”
“Sure, I can be there about 6 p.m.  Where do you want to go?”
“Not sure.  Let’s decide when you get here.”
“Okay, see you then, Carol.”

I’d met Carol at a local UFO Conference.  A slender, blond woman with a nicely coiffed bob from South Africa looking older than her fifty years.  Living in a country where apartheid was the main stay wasn’t easy for this free spirit. Her pasty white skin and angular facial features made her stunning with her model’s figure.  

She lived forty-five minutes over the mountains to the northeast in Cashiers (pronounced cash – ers).  Carol spoke about numerous encounters that night at the conference. Held in a state-of-the-art senior center, the conference was packed.  Many stood outside the doors hoping to hear something. 

An accident on the narrow road to Carol’s home meant not only would have to wait to use the restroom, but that I would be late for dinner.  There was no cell phone tower in this remote area. 
She greeted me instantly as I pulled into her driveway.  Her daughter was away for the night so it was a good opportunity to talk. There was so much I wanted to know about her encounter, her sightings.
Spending a few hours with this eclectic woman was like dining with a butterfly.  I kept wondering where and when she would land. If she would land.  I think it was her high energy that attracted UFOs to her home. There was much I wanted to know.

Almost immediately, I was whisked to her garden. She was bubbling with stories about seeing them land, only to take off again.

The garden was mystical, magical, Yoda-like. Eerie. She couldn’t wait to tell me about the waterless stream on her property.

“I dug the creek myself.  Some neighbors came by to help.  Look at it.  There was no water here and now it is abundant. After seeing the spaceship and setting my intention, the water appeared one morning.  A splashing brook."

She ushered me into her more than comfy home which doubles as a hair cutting salon for her day work and left to prepare our meal. We had discussed going out to a restaurant.  When I arrived, Carol said she preferred to make dinner.  I hadn't eaten all day.  Since I hadn't tasted South African food before, I was excited to eat. 

After a few minutes, she appeared from behind the tiny bar in her tiny closet sized kitchen.  A plate with four hind quartered chicken was served.  They had been roasting for some time. She didn't use spices.  That was the entire meal save for dry red wine. Not being much of a drinker, I took a sip and left the glass on her bistro table on the deck where we were eating.

“Do you live here alone?” I asked.

“Yes, I was married for a little while.  It didn’t work out but I got her” she said pointing to a ten year old child’s picture.

“She is lovely” I said.

“I saw it right there, through the slider” Carol said pointing toward the woods.

An hour later, her friend met us on the balcony. Her friend stayed while she spoke.  Carol softly retreated to the chaise. 

The evening sky was full of bright white lights everywhere I looked.  More activity than a planetarium. I was driving the Highlander slow, often pulling off to the side of the road in wonder so I wouldn’t miss anything. Taking astronomy in college helped; I wished I had my textbook next to me.
The lights leapfroged from east to west, then south to north. I had seen them before off my front porch in the same vicinity in the sky though the thick forest often made it difficult to follow. 

Then the sky lights vanished as I followed the circuitous road into the forest canopy.  Reaching the bottom of the basin, I turned left to Webster Road which followed the Tuckaseegee River to the highway.  I was the lone car on the road. For the entire trip.

I hadn’t gone more than a couple hundred feet before I saw it. Almost immediately, I turned my head looking all around me. Where was everyone?

There wasn’t a car in sight until I made a u-turn to turn south.  With my speed deliberately slowed  ensuring my safety, I was able rubber neck everywhere.  Suddenly there were two medium sized white sedans behind me.  One was in the fast lane behind me, the other white car was one-third of a mile behind me in the slow lane.  Despite my slower speed, neither white vehicle appeared to get closer to me. 

Something made me look up.  And there it was!  I didn’t want to take my eyes of it, afraid it might disappear.  But I turned around to check the location of the white sedans.  It was uncanny that we were the only vehicles on the road for miles.

Knowing: Three

It was like that when I moved to the Great Smoky Mountains of western North Carolina the spring of 2001.  

My home was atop a knoll in the Nantahala National Forest, known for its ragged mountain tops, dense forest, abundant rivers and lakes, some of whom are man made. Surrounded by white pines, oaks, and hemlocks, the area is also home to abundant rhododendron, mountain laurel, flaming azalea and myrtle. Alongside the road flowered Solomon’s seal, red elderberry and black eyed Susans, black bear, white-tailed deer, wild boar and turkey are rich in number. This is Davy Crockett country.

The Great Smoky Mountains were everything my Dad said they would be. In the mornings and evenings you could often see beautiful blue mist he had long spoken of in this diverse biosphere. Even the sunset was surreal.  Purple clouds with plucky peach-orange interspersed and scalloped mountain ranges, one after another.

Knowing: Two

I think to know God is to be open to all kinds of possibilities.   
In primitive cultures it is said that people who have never seen a ship are not able to see one even though others can.  Even when it is pointed out through through eyes of a culture who knows what a ship looks people who do not have an experience of a ship can still deny its presence.  They did not know what a ship was so how could they know one even existed, much less be able to see it? 
Belief systems play a huge part in what we believe possible.