Sunday, March 24, 2013

Smoky Mountain Surprise: Chapter Five


I wondered why it was so dark when I awakened.  The L.L.Bean Moonbeam clock revealed two seconds to one o'clock in the morning.  But I was totally refreshed. Two hours of sleep?  Wait.  Something was different.  I was different.  My awakening body felt different. I wondered if I had been abducted. I felt lighter.   There were no marks anywhere on my body for my eyes scoured myself deftly. 
But what happened when I was sleeping?  With only two hours of sleep, had the energy of a teenager.
But there was more.  Thoughts and information didn’t come from my brain anymore.  They came from my body-mind, working in concert together.  Maybe it was what the Yogis strived for.  The Quetzalcoatl.  Everything was as thought it was for the first time. 
There were lots of knowings.  A puzzle piece here, a puzzle piece there.  Each morning revealed something new but none of it made sense.  Not at first. 
More than patient with all of this, I let things be as they are.  Not so easy when you have had a lifetime of Type A behavior.  Maybe this was the Type B aspect surfacing more?  The Type B always came out in my artwork, my creative side.  The side that paints watercolors, becomes inmeshed in music, lives to go to the symphony at age thirteen, wants…needs to create.  It wasn’t in my head anymore.  More sentient than I have known, there were so many unanswered questions. Almost like the space before the epiphany – it all comes together for you. 
             I thought about my aging Mother. Alone by choice in a Florida retirement community.  She was fading fast.  Living in a senior community isolating herself from family and friends did that. I wondered how other galaxies handled their older folks.  I sure didn’t like how ours did.
As the daughter of a Mother whose background was both in geology and physics, I wished she were near. That “they” could help her. 
But our socialized science wouldn’t prepare my Mother to handle this, though her understanding of possibilities would. Even though I tried to share the experience with her, her mind was gone. I hoped she knew.

The early morning awakenings continued for nine consecutive nights.  Again I was aroused at exactly two seconds before one o'clock.  I was full awake, fully refreshed. Alert.  The clock with its batteries hadn't lost time. But had I?
After ten consecutive nights, the puzzle pieces became clear.  I was told to spread the word that we need to be sustainable immediately. Both economically and environmentally.   The hourglass was nearly emptied.  Failure to become sustainable would bring catastrophe.
In a world where much is hidden, what do you do with all of this knowledge?  How would I get the collective heads out of the sand. 
“Just talk I was told.  Some will listen.”
Where does this solitary experience go?
Over that summer, I spoke to a few groups, and the local media picked up the story. People wanted to know, understand. The ones who were prepared to see things as they are.  It felt good to be among other intuitives.  I longed to know another experiencer. I was more than grateful to be the conduit. 

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