Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sylva, North Carolina Skyship: Part 3

They say most of the learning takes place outside of college.  That was definitely true of the UFO experience. I continued to receive more knowings.  Like things were about to happen.  Like electrical current going through my legs discharging to wherever my feet were.  Never having had this before, my intuition told me to write down the times.  I began looking at the United States Geological Survey (USGS) map checking out the time, finding the place where it had occurred.  I wondered what I had missed in the past, if I had missed something intuitive.  I don't think so.

The week prior to the tsunami in Japan, my joints through my petite body ached.  Hurt.  I was more than miserable.  Two days before the tsunami, the pain abated.  But that morning, much like the morning my mother passed away, I knew something had happened.  Something directed me to look at my Doctors Without Borders map on the wall in the mint green study.  Standing motionless I went to the computer.  Pulled up the USGS map and there it was.  A tsunami had occurred precisely this moment.  I couldn't turn the television on fast enough.

The electrical current, or piezo-electric effect continued.  I began to feel many earthquakes.  Even one on a road trip near the epicenter.  Again, I jotted the time down.  When I reached my home, I opened up the Mac and a quake had occurred in the area where I was.  This continues to this day as does my intuition on events that are happening.

Friends suggested I talk to a seasoned psychic about it.  I spoke with several of them.  Each one told me I was intensely psychic as though I needed confirmation.  They told me I had powerful healing energy.  That I need to work in this field.  My Reiki Master told me that nearly ten years ago when I received my certification.  That I didn't need to go beyond the first attunement.
"There is nothing we could offer you that you don't already have.  Very powerful energy.  Are you aware of this?" she said.
Even the other students in the class felt my energy when we traded treatments.
It is like a veil has been lifted.  I see things before they happen.  I saw my Mother's death and heard her say goodbye to me even before the UFO encounter.  This past week I saw my uncle's death.  He just passed.
Carol continues to have encounters though I don't see her as I have moved away.  I continue to see UFOs in the night.  My friend even got a photograph of one while visiting me.  

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