Graduation from high school. I couldn't wait to spend the summer in the house. Alone. After all, I was taking college courses and my Mom was away on a National Science Foundation grant. I didn't want to go on this one.
It had been a hard week at work waitressing. I was more than drained. Studying at night, classes during the day. After a week or so of doing this, one night I literally dropped in bed fully clothed. I awakened three days later, having slept two straight nights.
When I finally awakened, I noticed two days worth of newspapers outside. I called a friend to find out what happened and to ascertain what the day and date were. I couldn't believe I was THAT tired. When I realized I had lost two days I couldn't understand it. Even though I have always believed in UFOs I didn't think I had been abducted. Not then.
I grew up in a modest community, 300 cape cod homes, lined up like desks in a classroom. All the same color, vintage 1952 suburbia. The mass exodus from the cities.
This is the cape cod home where I lived. And my high school prom date. A real comedian. I had the best evening with him.We laughed most of the night. A fun date.
Mom made the dress. Note the long gloves. And high hair. 95 pounds, too.
So at 95 pounds, I awakened from this sleep more than starved. It took a week to quench my appetite. For many years I wondered about that experience. I also wondered about all the dreams as a young child of flying. Mostly on a big red ball. I saw things most children of my age couldn't see.
There have been incidents over the years I have wondered about. I will write about them as they come back to me. Then there are the dreams where I can not move. Where the pain is horrific.
But there is one vivid one. This occurred during the third week of April this past year. I was in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. What is significant is that on several occasions in my life, in my dream I am trapped. I can't get away. This happened one night when I was staying with a friend. They heard me whimper, "help." I could hear myself while I was having this 'dream.' But this time I had confirmation. Someone else heard me. I called out a few times. That I remember this is important. And a beginning.
Now I wonder about the UFO sighting July 20, 2010 and ten consecutive nights of awakening at two seconds before 1 a.m.
Where did I go?
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