Sunday, August 26, 2012

Former Finland Health Minister Speaks Out: UFOs, Aliens, Mind Control And Conspiracies

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and "get your damn vaccine"  Is this shades of Sarah Palin or what?

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Ten plus years after the swine flu shot (my daughter has ulcerative colitis, too) I have had pain like symptoms in all my joints.  I don't think it is Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), which is little understood, but I do believe we were lied too. I have noticed the GBS muscle weakness for some years. 

My daughter was also diagnosed in 1995 with an autoimmune disease in which her body was attacking itself. She had a horrific case of mononucleosis, what appeared to be rheumatoid arthritis and later ulcerative colitis that lasted for years. The RA appears to have abated as well.

My intuition now when I remember myself getting that swine flu shot when I was four pregnant months was that this was a conspiracy.  One to control and limit our population.  Who knows what else we were subjected to. Does this have a timed release? And, this is just what we know today. 

I trust me.  The rest is optional.

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